Photo © Rui Camilo  & EvS Musikstiftung


Ensemble Quillo perform    

>beneath<  & >The shadow of the thing<  

20. Juni 2024, Rofinpark, Eberswalde more info

21. Juni 2024, Fürstenwerder more info

Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain perform

>String Quartet no. 2<    

05. October 2024, Temple Allemand, La Chaux-de-Fonds

06. October 2024, Maison de quartier sous-gare, Lausanne

Resonance FM interview with Benjamin Tassie 29. March 2024

Riot Ensemble : New recording and CD release of >vestige<

Sarah Dacey recorded >vestige< in Köln as part of this new album from the Riot Ensemble. 

Co-production with Deutschlandfunk and Coviello Music Production  

“haunting and memorable” 

The Times

Portrait CD  - Lines and Spaces  -  released on WERGO

Edition Zeitgenössische Musik Portrait CD  WER 64312 was released with recordings of 

>Music for Europe< / > Lines and Spaces< / >String Quartet no. 2<  / >Words< 

Featuring Ensemble Adapter, Quatuor Bozzini, Richard Uttley, Omar Ebrahim and the London Sinfonietta. 

Edition Zeitgenössische Musik 



“arresting output”

Gramophone review 

ein schillernd melancholisches Klanggewebe” 

Neue Musikzeitung review

“baffling, beautiful and perfectly balanced”

5against4 review 

“a timely portrait of one of the most distinctive younger voices in British music today”

The Guardian review

Dialogue with Simon Cummings, 5against4

An in-depth conversation with Simon Cummings, who did so much research into the music and asked many insightful questions.

You can listen to the Dialogue here

TEMPO article by Christopher Fox

In-depth article >From One Vessel To Another< 

about pieces written over the last decade